Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Moving Forward

Today - just over seven months after my first visit - was my last time in Tent City of Lakewood, NJ. I said the good-byes I needed to say, hugged a tree or two (and consequently got covered in MORE SAP), and drove off.

And as I sit here right now and type this, I feel a complete sense of peace. It wasn't an easy decision, but for me, it was the right one.

This truly is something I've been praying and thinking on for quite a while. And let me make it clear that I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever about the time I've spent there. Quite the opposite - I'm taking so much with me. Friendships. Faith. Memories. Countless life lessons. An entirely new perspective, a renewed sense of purpose, and a more confident sense of direction. But where there once stood a place of hope in the wilderness, there now stands little more than desolation. I have put forth my best efforts helping those in need, but by now I truly believe those who remain have made a conscious choice to do so. It saddens me a bit, as I'm not sure whether it's out of fear, a false sense of comfort, or perhaps just having given up on themselves. Or, perhaps they're just too broken to let the light in. And if that's the case, there comes a point when you need to accept that you've done all you can do - that if someone isn't willing to help themselves, you can't force it.

Today, just like every day from the moment this journey started, I woke up and knew I had a choice. And just like I've been doing every day since the first, I chose love.

But a big (albeit difficult) part of love is knowing when it's time to let go.

To those who have shared the journey with me, I thank you all for everything you've done and continue to do for the people of Tent City. To all those who have supported me on this journey, know that I am still dedicated to serving the poor and the needy, and that my leap of faith was not in vain.

To all those who, like me, are moving forward and "being the change," you know where to find me. Here's to what's waiting for us on the other side of the bridge.

Peace and love to you all!

:-) Lisa

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